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Doctor Blog

Nick’s dissection of the James Bond movies continues. Doctor No in one word?  Lush.  It’s a fantastic film to look at, visually.  The richness of the colour photography is a sight to behold and we’re essentially talking ...


Those of you who know me know that I’m a huge fan of James Bond:  The movies, the books and the icon that the character is.  In fan culture, it’s the sci-fi/fantasy crowd that hog the attention.  Is Star Wars better than...

Michael York

MICHAEL YORK by Nicholas Hughes Soho, 1970. Assembled in one of the more prominent British film industry buildings are the best young actors the UK has ever produced. Anthony Hopkins is entertaining Ian Ogilvy and Timoth...
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Communist Blog

July 16th 1937, 3 ships set off from Murmansk in the Baltic Sea; their official mission is to deliver agricultural machinery to Halifax, Nova Scotia. The real reason for this voyage is known only by 3 men, one of them Jo...

Pamela Franklin

PAMELA FRANKLIN BY DANIEL OLIVER It’s often been observed how British film-makers routinely waste their best actresses. In which case, Pamela Franklin can count herself extremely lucky. As if sensing in advance how...


  Judy Geeson By Daniel Oliver “For weeks I had hunted this girl, tracking her movements among the cafes, bars and nightclubs of Swinging London. Now at last I had her cornered in a small drinking booth in the Infer...


When m’colleague Daniel Oliver and I came up with the idea of celebrating an era of British acting that straddled the 60s and 70s, we discussed just where this era would begin. Was there some moment in British cinema his...

Lewis Collins

LEWIS COLLINS by Nicholas Hughes “MEN WANT TO BE HIM, WOMEN WANT TO BE WITH HIM!” Correction. “BOYS WANT TO BE HIM, WOMEN WANT TO BE WITH HIM!” In 1978, every boy in the UK wanted to be like Lewis Collins. If he didn’t, ...